As per the direction of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, the Internal Complaints Committee is constituted as per the provisions of this ACT.

The committee consists of a

1) senior member as the Presiding Officer who shall be a women faculty member nominated by the Executive authority,
2) Two faculty members and two non teaching employees under the interest for the safeguard of respect of women.
3) an NGO member associated to the cause of women
4) Students representative duly elected

and 50% of the total members should be women.

The objective of the College Women Development Cell

The Committee is constituted for the prevention and redressal of complaints pertaining to sexual harassment of women at workplace and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Responsibilities of Internal Complaints Committee

1) Provide assistance if an employee or a student chooses to file a complaint with the police
2) Provide mechanism of dispute redressal and dialogue to anticipate and address issues which can be conciliated without undermining the complainant’s right by discussions and clearing up of misunderstandings if any.
3) Protect the safety of the complainants by not revealing the person’s identity and provide for the relief of the aggrieved party.
4) Ensure that the victims or witnesses are not discriminated or influenced against while dealing with complaints of sexual harassment
5) Ensure the prohibition of retaliation or adverse action against a covered individual because the employee or the student is engaged in protected activity.

Examples of Sexual Harassment

The following describes some of the types of acts that may be unlawful Sexual Harassment and that are strictly prohibited:

• Physical conduct of a sexual nature that is offensive to the aggrieved party.
• Unwanted sexual advances or propositions or other sexual comments, like requests for sexual favors associated by victim’s job performance evaluation, a promotion, or other jobs benefits or detriments;
• Sexually oriented gestures, jokes or comments about a person’s sexuality or sexual experience which are sufficiently severe to psychologically affect the performance of the aggrieved party.
• Sex stereotyping occurs when someone has a preconceived idea about how someone should be, act, or behave on the basis of that person’s sex.
• Sexual or discriminatory displays or publications including such displays on workplace computers or cell phones and sharing such displays in the workplace and social sites.

Procedure for Working Rules for Internal Complaints Committee - Click Here

Working Rules for Internal Complaints Committee - Click Here


Formation of ICC - Click Here